About A Grrrl

Hi! I'm Ilenia (E-Layn-Yuh), or simply E or Lain. I graduated from Kent State University with a degree in photojournalism and communications and love me some storytelling, truth, beauty, and art. I’m currently postbac at the University of Akron Myer’s Art School studying Studio Art.

I'm an ever-learner, and while I intend to read all of the books I own, I somehow have created a collection in every room of my house. I'm fascinated by the entire concept of life, from how the heck this works to the every day hustle, and am often grappling with my own existentialism. I do way too much and have all the interests. Couple that with being an ambitious hard worker and my to-do lists quickly become the friend I want to break up with but can't because we've been friends forever. Hey, we work it out like grown ups. We get sh*t done.

Creating is a way for me to process and understand. My mind is on a constant drive and creating slows it down to a school zone speed (what even is this metaphor???!). When I'm not taking photographs I'm... (still taking photographs.)

As a multidimensional artist, I'm a truth seeker and teller. I love surrounding myself with what and who I find my own definition of beautiful, including dark, ugly, weird, etc. I'm also an advocate for mental health awareness, women and minorities, a body and image health activist, vegan and plant-based, a thrifter, thing collector, writer, bombass-girl-band finder, multimedia artist, self isolationist, show goer, true crime story reader/listener/hopingtohelpsomeday-er, blah blah blah. 

I have a Chichi, Tabby cat, and Beagle/Lab mix. They're all rescues/finds/misfits and the !BEST! (Seriously, they all cuddle and WANT to! Grateful every day for my luck!)

If anything will tell you anything about me, it's this: no matter where I am, strangers end up telling me their life story. It's always a surprise, and I f*cking love it.

I still haven't found the perfect notebook.

Enjoy the site! Let's make some art together! Or just be friends. Whatever.




